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May 25, 2023
Academic Writing Examples
May 26, 2023Writing a thesis or dissertation can be an exciting yet challenging task for students. But crafting it with the correct APA thesis format or APA dissertation format is crucial to its success. The American Psychological Association (APA) is the most widely used formatting style in academic writing, particularly in the field of psychology.
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Its guidelines cover everything from in-text citations, referencing, and formatting. In this post, we will guide you on how to write your thesis with the correct APA dissertation format. So let's get started!
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Example 2: Impact of Leadership Style on Professional Satisfaction of Nurses: A Case Study
Note: Below is a complete guide with some more examples and tips for you to ace the skill of dissertation writing in fashion.
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What is APA Dissertation Format?
APA thesis format is a set of guidelines and standards created by the American Psychological Association (APA) for formatting academic papers, including dissertations and theses. These guidelines ensure consistency and uniformity in research writing, which is important for academic integrity and credibility. Therefore, understanding and applying the APA thesis format is essential for graduate students and scholars who want to write high-quality and impactful dissertations and theses.
Purpose of APA Thesis Format
Using the APA thesis format provides a standard way of presenting your research and findings, making it easier for readers to understand and evaluate your work. It also helps you avoid errors and confusion, such as inconsistent citation styles, incorrect spacing and font, or improper headings and subheadings. Moreover, following the APA thesis format enhances the professionalism and scholarly quality of your work, which is crucial for publishing and presenting your research in conferences and other academic settings. By following the APA guidelines, you can ensure that your research is properly documented, structured, and communicated, which will contribute to the advancement of knowledge and practice in your field.
Importance of APA Dissertation Format
APA style references enable readers to explore the sources you have consulted, facilitating further research and the development of new knowledge. By providing accurate and complete references, you contribute to the scholarly conversation and allow others to build upon your work or explore related topics.
Plagiarism, which is the act of using someone else's work or ideas without proper attribution, is a serious academic offense. APA style references help you avoid unintentional plagiarism by clearly indicating which ideas and information are derived from other sources. By following APA guidelines, you ensure that you appropriately cite and attribute the work of others, reducing the risk of plagiarism.
How to Cite Reference in APA format? Step by Step Guide
Citing a dissertation APA style can seem overwhelming at first, but it's an important part of any thesis. The good news is that once you get the hang of it, it becomes second nature. Here are the basic steps for citing a dissertation in APA format:
- Start with the author's name: Begin with the last name, followed by a comma and the first initial. For example: Smith, J.
- Multiple Authors: For references with multiple authors, include all the authors' last names in the order they appear on the source, separated by commas. Use an ampersand (&) before the last author's name.
For example: Smith, J., Johnson, L., & Davis, R.
- Include the year of publication: Place the year in parentheses after the author's name. For example: Smith, J., Johnson, L., & Davis, R. (2021).
- Add the title of the dissertation: Place the title in italics and capitalize the first letter of each important word. End with a full stop.
- For example: Smith, J., Johnson, L., & Davis, R. (2021).The Effects of Climate Change on Coral Reefs.
- State Journal: Mention the journal where the dissertation is submitted. Add the name of the institution and its location.
For example: Smith, J., Johnson, L., & Davis, R. (2021). The Effects of Climate Change on Coral Reefs. Global Journal of Climate Research,
- Volume and issue number: Both volume and issue numbers are required in references to journal articles. Not all journals have issue numbers. Write all volume numbers as Arabic numerals and italicize (no abbreviation for volume). The issue number proceeds immediately after the volume and is not italicized. Place all issue information within parentheses.
For example: Smith, J., Johnson, L., & Davis, R. (2021). The Effects of Climate Change on Coral Reef. Global Journal of Climate Research, 5(3), 85-91.
- Electronic Sources: For electronic sources without a DOI (Digital Object Identifier), include the URL of the webpage. If a DOI is available, include it instead of the URL. Before adding DOI, add a full stop after pages number.
For Example: Smith, J., Johnson, L., & Davis, R. (2021). The Effects of Climate Change on Coral Reef Global. Journal of Climate Research, 5(3), 85-91. /doi/abs/10.1146/annurev.es.23.110192.000513?journalCode=ecolsys.1
- Formatting: Use a hanging indent for each reference. The first line should be flush with the left margin, and subsequent lines should be indented. The reference list should be arranged alphabetically by the authors' last names.
Remember to double-check your formatting and citation style against the APA guidelines. Proper referencing is key to ensuring your thesis is credible and trustworthy. With a little practice, you'll soon be an expert at citing dissertations in APA format!
Additional Guidelines
- Use an ampersand (&) before the last author's name when there are multiple authors.
- Capitalize the first letter of the article title, journal title, and any proper nouns.
- Italicize the title of the journal, but not the comma after.
- Include the DOI (preferred) or the URL if there is no DOI.
- Use a hanging indent for each line after the first line of the reference.
By following these steps and guidelines, you can create accurate and properly formatted references in APA style for various sources.
Template for Citing Reference in APA Format
- Author(s): Smith, J., Johnson, L.
- Publication Year: 2022
- Article Title: Effects of Exercise on Mental Health Journal
- Title: Journal of Health Psychology
- Volume: 10
- Issue: 2
- Page Range: 123-145
- DOI: 10.xxxx/xxxxxx (replace x with actual DOI)
Order: Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year). Title of the article. Name of the Periodical, volume(issue), #–#. https://doi.org/xxxx
Example: Smith, J., Johnson, L. (2022). Effects of Exercise on Mental Health Journal. Journal of Health Psychology, 10(2), 123-145.https://doi.org/10.4088%2Fpcc.v08n0208a
Template for Book in APA Dissertation Format
Order: Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Copyright Year). Title of the book (7th ed.). Publisher. DOI or URL
Example: Burns, A. (2018). Milkman. Faber & Faber. https://amzn.to/2ObKrVf
In conclusion, the APA style reference format is an essential aspect of academic writing and research. By following the guidelines, you ensure credibility, academic integrity, and transparency in your work. APA style references allow you to properly acknowledge the contributions of other researchers, avoid plagiarism, and provide the necessary information for replicability and verification. Additionally, APA-style references facilitate further research and the development of new knowledge by allowing others to explore the same sources and build upon your work. It is important to consult the official APA Publication Manual or specific guidelines provided by your institution for comprehensive instructions on referencing different types of sources.
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