PhD Dissertation Examples
February 6, 2023
How to Write a Methodology Dissertation? Tips and Examples
February 7, 2023Writing a dissertation can be one of your most challenging academic career tasks. Creating an authentic dissertation requires extensive reading, research, and organization.
In this article, we will look at dissertation introduction examples to guide you in crafting a solid and practical introduction for your dissertation.
The introduction is the first impression of your dissertation, and it sets the tone for the rest of your dissertation. But before writing a dissertation introduction, selecting a dissertation topic is essential.
Find Quality Dissertation Topics by Premier Dissertations
To get instant inspiration on how to jump-start your dissertation introduction, we have shared various dissertation introduction examples below. Review them first;
Example: 1 Efficcy of Loyalty Program in Building Customer Loyalty within Grocery Retailing
Example: 2 Impact of Online Banking Intervention on Traditional Banking
Note: We have shared more thesis introduction samples and dissertation introduction samples in this guide, along with helpful tips for writing a five-star dissertation introduction.
Main Components of a Dissertation Introduction
What should be included in your Dissertation Introduction?
Here are the things you should carefully consider while writing an introduction for your dissertation or any other academic paper.
- What is your research all about?
- What particular element of the subject will you address? What are your emphasis and range?
- The applicability of your study: How does it relate to earlier research on the subject?
- Your research's questions and goals: What do you want to learn?
- Describe your structure in general terms. What does each chapter entail?
Your introduction should highlight the following points:
- Addresses a practical or theoretical challenge.
- Fills a void in the literature.
- Expands on prior research.
- Offers a fresh perspective on your topic.
Thesis Statement and Its Importance in Dissertation Introduction
It is essential to understand what makes a practical introduction. It should provide context for the topic you are discussing, outline the main points that will be addressed in the body of your dissertation, and include relevant information about why this topic is important to discuss.
You can take multiple steps to ensure that your introduction is as effective as possible.
- Begin by doing research on your topic so that you have a thorough understanding of what you will be writing about.
- You should also read other relevant dissertations to get an idea of how they structured their introductions — this will help give you some inspiration when you begin writing yours. Note: We have shared dissertation introduction examples pdf to download and review at the start of the blog.
- Once you've done enough research, start outlining your introduction using key phrases or sentences from your research notes to guide the structure and content of your introduction paragraph(s). As you write, be sure to keep track of all sources used so that these can be cited appropriately later on.
How to Start Your Dissertation Introduction
You cannot overstate the importance of the dissertation introduction. Not only does it give the reader important background information about your topic, but it also serves to grab the reader's attention and help them understand the importance and value of your research.
Review the following dissertation introduction sample and see how the following elements are included.
1) A statement of purpose: This is where you explain why you chose this particular topic and why it matters to current debates or research within your field. Be sure to focus on why this topic is important instead of summarizing what has already been done.
2) An overview of key concepts or theories: If applicable, provide a brief overview of key concepts and theories related to your research topic. It will help readers understand the context in which your study was conducted.
3) The scope of your project: Provide an outline of what will be covered in each section so readers know what they can expect from reading further into the dissertation. That should include any hypotheses (if applicable) along with any limitations or restrictions imposed by the scope of your project that may impact some findings or conclusions drawn from the analysis.
4) A summary of expected contributions: Here, you can briefly explain how your research contributes to existing knowledge in this field and what new insights readers may gain from understanding your findings.
Dissertation Introduction Example
Let’s take a look at the opening paragraph from a dissertation introduction sample on "Gender Inequality in Popular Media."
“This research examines gender inequality in popular media by exploring how women are portrayed differently than men in advertising campaigns and television shows/movies. Through interviews with experts from different industries, this paper will explore why these inequalities exist and how they can be addressed through changing policies or regulations within those industries.
The findings from this paper suggest that there are still major gaps between the representation of men and women in popular media today, but steps can be taken to reduce those gaps moving forward."
Introductory paragraph checklist.
- Context on the topic ü
- Research outline ü
- Relevant Information ü
- Importance of the Study ü
- Solution ü
This dissertation introduction example provides context around the topic while outlining exactly what will be discussed throughout the paper. It also includes relevant information about why this issue is important to discuss — namely because gender inequality still exists even though efforts have been made over time to reduce it — and offers solutions at the end, which provide readers with something actionable they can do after reading your paper.
Here's a thesis introduction example:
Download the Complete Thesis Introduction Sample pdf by clicking on the above link
''The increasing expectations of profits, sustainability, and durability along with optimum management practices have influenced the stakeholder of the construction industry to adapt to methodologies that can more effectively address the requirements of the construction business.
The dynamic nature of this industry involves various parameters that must be considered for optimum project management.
The most fundamental project parameters include project costs, time schedules, and completion of construction in accordance with the design and high quality of construction (Watermeyer, 2010).
All these parameters are influenced by Procurement Management Techniques, which is the primary focus of this research.
Procurement in the construction industry plays a pivotal role in the successful completion of construction projects. Therefore it is vital to engineer or adapt to a procurement strategy that is precisely executed for a particular project for all the phases of the project.
Construction management procurement systems incorporate/prioritise the project's objectives and outline all the management processes involved during the project's complete life cycle. It further establishes the responsibilities and scope of work of the teams involved and the associated risks assumed by these teams.
Any variations in the goals/objectives of the project or failure to achieve specific targets are considered to be potential risks, and these risks can have a significant impact on the purpose of the business of the client.
A well-defined procurement strategy can effectively mitigate these risks, as it balances the risk against the project's primary objectives (Masterman, 2002).
This paper, therefore, aims to systematically investigate the factors that can influence the selection of procurement strategies and the respective considerations for implications. It further highlights what procurement is in construction and how procurement systems in construction play their role in the development of projects.
In conclusion, crafting an effective introduction for your dissertation is essential to ensure readers stay engaged with your work until the very end. You can download and review the dissertation introduction example in pdf form from the links given above.
At Premier Dissertations, we are working 24/7 to help students achieve academic success. Contact us today to get an immediate response if you need assistance with your dissertation or want to review more dissertation introduction samples.
Here are some more resources you can consider for writing a practical dissertation introduction.
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